keskiviikko 1. tammikuuta 2014

Sitting, waiting, wishing...

Last night before The Trip begins! The new shiny backpack is packed and ready to go. I am hoping I have prepared enough, although the point of this whole journey for me was to plan as little as possible and prepare only the necessary.

At this point I would already like to thank everybody who have been giving me advice, sharing their contacts in South America and helping me out in any other way.
It has actually been really interesting to note what people think when you tell them you're going to travel for 4 months. 


As a girl. 

To South America. 

Some have questioned my sanity (including me at times) and I have gotten some really interesting comments, remarks and opinions from many people. The funny thing is that after all the warnings about diseases, robbers, raipers, and so forth, I am mostly worried about if they will let me pass through the boarding gates tomorrow. I have had more than one nightmare about that. Mostly though every one has been very supportive, and I thank you for that!

And so I embark on this once-in-a-lifetime journey across the sea, as did my great-great-granddad in the beginning of 20th century. Only whereas he joined the military in the US, I will make quite a different journey: backpacking through South America. Let's see where it leads :)

2 kommenttia:

  1. good luck and enjoy your journey to strange places. i will follow your blog as often as possible. br, your mam's cousin Minna

  2. Pauliina, after all, it is so that curiosity is the mother of high adventure.
    We follow with interest the course of your journey.
    A little tip, keep a fixed interval between updates (eg, 5 days),
    so we know that everything is ok.
    Have a good trip and remember what the people on the island said,
    " Do not worry, be happy"!

